Lydia, a Seller of Purple

“A vision appeared to Paul in the night.” It was a man asking him to “come over to Macedonia and help us.” Acts 16:9

A journey began. When Paul, Silas and Timothy reached Phillippi, they were lead to the riverside in the city on the sabbath; where prayer was customarily made. They began to speak to the women who were gathered there. There they met Lydia.

Lydia gathered traditionally at the riverside for prayers. This small statement tells us that she believed in God. Paul being led by the spirit, and having stopped in Philippi was able to meet her. She was probably first on a long list of souls in need of being shown a more perfect way.

Lydia was a businesswoman who worshiped God. “The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul.” Sometime after she received the word from Paul, she and her household were baptized. Lydia began moving in God. Being the head of her household Lydia offered her home to Paul and his ministry companions. She sure hit the ground running for Jesus! Acts 16:14-15

At a time when women were thought of as possessions without a voice, Lydia had a business “selling purple” whether the dye itself or purple cloth. She apparently was well off because she supported a household, and owned her own home. A home large enough to lodge Paul’s ministry team and provide food for them.

After Paul and Silas were released from prison, they rested in Lydia’s home before continuing their journey.

Though men were dominate in all facets of life during this time, Lydia was making a good living selling purple, but she used her increase with a loving, kind, and generous heart for God and his people!

Note: You can read the entire 16th chapter of Acts for additional foreground and background information on Lydia, a Seller of Purple.

Sister Cheryl

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