The Homeless on the Streets

Hello everyone! The Homeless on the Streets are the invisible and forgotten by many. When you see a homeless person on the street do you make eye contact? Do you offer some assistance? Maybe you avoid eye contact and hope they don’t say anything to you, especially asking for help. It can seem uncomfortable when you come across a homeless person living out on the streets. You should feel something because no human being should be living out on the street in the elements. This shouldn’t be a reality but it is so widespread throughout the United States; the situation isn’t getting any better.

God has given us a desire to do a work to help the homeless on the streets. Many are hungry and have a need for the basic necessities of daily life. Our goal is to help meet those needs. The KARES Team will be working together to get those necessities to the homeless on the streets in our area. I will keep you updated on our progress to distribute supplies to the homeless on the streets. My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus pray that God Blesses our endeavors as we began this Outreach Ministry goal.

Wealth maketh many friends; but the poor is separated from his neighbour. Proverbs 19:4 KJV

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the LORD; and that which he hath given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19:17 KJV

Sister Brenda (Email:

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