Be Free, Love from a Distance

Hello everyone! Be free, Love from a distance. I have had many so called friendships. Imbalance can be detrimental to a relationship. I have experienced the friendship with the “competitor,” everything was a competition. It took me many years to realize the grounds and basis of that relationship. Years of not getting the support I was giving, not realizing it was because I was the competition; you don’t help your rival to win do you?

That was a friendship of my youth. I endeavored to rekindle that relationship years later when we were both more mature in age. It wasn’t successful because I’d changed and she had not. God knows what’s best. I’ve learned to be Kind, but be free and love from a distance.

Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships. Throughout the years I’ve had a relationship with the User, Liar, Manipulator, Taker and the longest relationship was with the Jealous Hearted. It took me 30+ years of wrestling with myself, denying the reality of the situation because I was so busy trying to prove myself. Prove myself to someone whose opinion of me was unfairly tainted.

Pride will make us try to save something that should have died a long time ago! We cannot always have our way! Give it to God, and walk away! God is the ultimate fixer. I am truly a work in progress! Work on me Lord, work on me!

Red Flags: Be Free, Love from a Distance

Red Flags! When everything is hard work something is terribly wrong! If telling someone the truth makes you a villain in their eyes, something is wrong! When their words don’t match their actions, there is something wrong! When there is no change in poor behavior after many conversations, there is something amiss!

I had Red Flag, Red Flag, Red Flag and more Red Flags waving in my face constantly. The issues were there and I always convinced myself after one of our long friendship conversations that things would change. There was always an explanation for their behavior but somehow their explanation never quite made sense to me. The explanations rarely if ever resonated in my soul. Something was incredibly wrong!

The Full Picture

There was not the support I needed as a friend from this person. There was a situation where I was able to express what I felt support from a friend entailed and nothing really changed. I noticed that my friend was supporting others but not me! A situation took place not long ago and I believe God allowed me to get an inner look of the entire situation because I asked for some information. Our conversation lacked a lot of information. Why? That information gave me the full picture. I was to supposed to know only what they wanted me to know.

In innocence I asked to see this piece of information. Everything important had been left out! Everything! My eyes were opened, my heart was broken. I allowed God to set me Free! No more long conversations and talks, I simply let go and let God; I walked away. I had walked away more than once in the past but this time is different. There is no desire for this friendship anymore!

In conclusion, I have not been pursued nor has inquiry been made about my lack of communication. Interesting right? Not really. If I stop feeding it, it dies. Why? I was the only one supplying the food! Peace!

Friend be free, love from a distance

A Friend: Be Free, Love from a Distance

“And he said unto them, Which of you shall have a friend, and shall go unto him at midnight, and say unto him, Friend, lend me three loaves; For a friend of mine in his journey is come to me, and I have nothing to set before him? And he from within shall answer and say, Trouble me not: the door is now shut, and my children are with me in bed; I cannot rise and give thee. I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.” Luke 11:5-8 KJV

Sister Brenda

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