Gluttony and My Weight Loss Journey

Hello everyone! I have been overweight my entire life. As a small child I was a bit chubby and I just kept getting bigger as I got older. I reached my highest weight in my 30’s I weighed in around 375 lbs. What I didn’t know is that I was in sin and that I was gluttonous when it came to food. Gluttony is a sin.

Years ago when I was in my 20’s my then “Spiritual leader” who was also very overweight taught the congregation his version of gluttony. He compared it to stories in history of a Roman Vomitorium. A vomitorium is a room where ancient Romans went to throw up lavish meals so they could return to the table and feast some more. This he defined as gluttony. Had I and or anyone else listening to this definition bothered to study gluttony for ourselves we would have found a much more basic meaning. Gluttony, habitual greed or excess in eating. If you are not excessive in eating you will not put on excess weight unless you have a medical condition or medicine that causes weight gain.

So, if you are overweight in any real measure it is because you are taking in more food than your body requires. That is excessive eating, which can be measured in many levels but it is still excessive and gluttony. It is self abuse, to the body which is the temple of the Holy Ghost. We are to take care of our bodies and eat in moderation, self control is necessary for the follower of Jesus Christ, discipline.

I’m in my mid 50’s and my weight has caused me issues my entire life. It only gets worse with age. God has blessed me over the last 2-3 years and I have truly endeavored to lose weight. I am currently in the high 200’s and my goal is to reach below 200. I am a member of WW for the last 3 months, before that I used MyFitnessPal to count calories and lost a considerable amount of weight doing so. I have my struggles but I am determined to reach my goals, because I have more than one weight loss goal. It’s best to take it one goal at a time!

Yes, there are emotional reasons and habits that must be realized and dealt with! I know that Jesus Christ had a ministry of deliverance and I know He is still a deliverer! I can do all things through Christ, which strengthens me!

I believe God for my success and if this articles applies, yours too!

Sister Brenda

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3 thoughts on “Gluttony and My Weight Loss Journey

  1. God bless you on your weight loss journey. Thanks for sharing your experience. I know that is not easy to do and I pray this article will help someone else dealing with gluttony.

  2. God bless you Brenda. I hope your openness regarding the subject of gluttony not only breaks the bands of the enemy but encourages others as well. Peace and love be multiplied!

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